Now Streaming:
Professional Knee Therapy
Start each day on the right foot with an online knee therapy program that takes you step-by-step through simple, effective exercises for reducing pain and reclaiming knee function.
On-Demand -
anytime, anywhere
Lifetime Access
A Cost That Makes Sense
Take Charge of Your Knee Health (and Life!)
With KneeFitIn5
Dependent on a Knee Brace or Pills
Aging Body
Worsening Pain
Gain freedom by safely strengthening your knee
You determine how well you get around
Change the course with simple exercises proven to help you heal better and faster
Reduce pain, increase strength, improve balance, and maximize knee function with leading knee activation exercises.
Experience Knee Rehabilitation
At Home
Leading knee rehab exercises at your fingertips
Never rearrange your schedule for an appointment opening again
“I don’t have time” is no longer an excuse
Lifetime Access – because recovery shouldn’t stop when in-person therapy is no longer affordable
Get relief from pain faster by rehabbing more than once a week
Get back to doing the things you enjoy.

Start KneeFitIn5
Start your journey to a more active life with lifetime access to a leading knee rehabilitation program used by knee specialists to help their clients regain mobility, reduce pain and restore their quality of life.

Participate in Guided Therapy
Step through a series of simple movements shaped and ordered to minimize pain and maximize your range of motion, balance, strength, and function – from the comfort of your home!

Enjoy a Life Without Limits
Meet friends at the pickleball courts, tee off on Sunday, take your grandkids to the park, or do whatever you love – without pain or fear of a worsening injury.
The KneeFitin5 Guarantee
Keep Moving With Confidence

Safety While Doing The Exercises
The phased KneeFitin5 program is used by leading knee rehabilitation doctors, surgeons, and therapists to guide patients to regain knee mobility and reduce pain safely. Now you can access this premier knee therapy at home, with guidance from movement experts. While you may have discomfort at times, at no point are you worsening your knee. In fact, studies show that unless your knee is fractured, there are no knee problems that these exercises won’t improve!

Easy-to-Follow Program
The goal of KneeFitIn5 is to make knee therapy easy to do anytime, anywhere, to maximize your recovery. To accomplish this, the program was designed to be easy to access and follow independently. See for yourself!

Money Back Guarantee
If you’re using KneeFitIn5 consistently and correctly and don’t see improvement in one month, receive a full refund for the program.

Personalized Therapy
Everyone’s body is unique, and everyone progresses at a different pace. Follow the program at your own pace, stepping up to the next movement when you’re ready and doing recommended modifications when necessary.
Hear How KneeFitIn5 Has Helped People
Reclaim Their Life
Top Rehab Tools to Maximize Knee Recovery

LRU Pillow & Custom PillowCover
Regain full knee range of motion. The first step is preventing inflammation before it’s too late. The LRU pillow does just this.

Knee Rehabilitation Kit
Have all the supplies needed to control swelling and improve knee range of motion, strength, balance, and flexibility.
P.s. The components of this all-inclusive kit are utilized in KneeFitIn5.
Am I hurting my knee by playing tennis?
Depending on your knee health, the activities you enjoy may negatively impact your quality of life down the road. Hear from Dr. Lawless on continuing to do what you love with decreased risk of worsening knee pain or injury.
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